Anyway, the kit is for a digital SWR and Power meter. It's not completely ready yet but so far I really enjoyed building it. It's still missing a proper box and the calibration procedure. Time for building, until this point, was about 6 hours.
The controller board, although quite populated with components, is quite easy to build. As for the sensor board, I had to wind four, 23 turns each, little toroids. As this was my first experience and they turned out quite well, I'm quite happy with the end result. Also, the shunts in the middle of the toroids were a challenge but I also succeeded at those.
I'll probably hot glue the toroids for some extra mechanical resistance, but I'll only do this when boxing the kit.
Anyway, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. :)
For prior information before building this kit I suggest reading the excellent building manual. It's very small but it contains all the necessary information.
Hope to post again about this, hopefully when it's all boxed and calibrated.
If you have a box suggestion for this project please let me know.